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Flatbed Scanners Wide Format Scanners Book Scanners Art Scanners

Smart New Tool! The Scanner and Option Wheel

Image Access has developed the Scanner and Options Wheel, a highly useful tool to evaluate scanner configurations with all possible options. Select a scanner in the wheel to easily see which features are included with the scanner and which are optional. With a few clicks and filling out simple form, you can generate an RFQ for the exact configuration you are interested in, to send to the sales department.
>Try it out now!


Image Access Academy

Scan books the right way
for preservation quality

Some companies use digicams to
take pictures of books. Compared to the area sensors in digital cameras, CCD line cameras have higher resolution, better color fidelity, less noise and no pixel defects. This educational document explains in detail why digicams should not be used for preservation. Get it now!

>Download the presentation

Digitizing Books

Preserving the Original Luther Bible

Bookeye® 4 V1A selected to digitize and preserve this valuable historic treasure

The digitization of 1,600 pages of the original Luther Bible from the year 1545 demanded not only the highest sensitivity and calm hands of the operator, but also the best scanner on the market for preservation of books, the Bookeye® 4 V1A Professional.
>Read more

New cameras

Last but not least...

WideTEK® 60CL now supports thick media scanning

Already known for its unmatched scanning speed and image quality, the WideTEK® 60CL now features a manually operated thick media control that allows the user to adjust the thickness and consequently control the impact on the document. Source material can be up to 12mm or 0.47 inches thick.
>Read about the WideTEK® 60CL
New cameras


Image Access is the technology leader in the large format scanning market and offers products in all large format segments: Bookeye® overhead scanners for valuable books more than A1 in size, WideTEK® ART non-contact fine art scanner for formats up to 36 x 60 inches, WideTEK® flatbed scanners for formats greater than A2 / 25x18.5", WideTEK® sheet feed scanners for documents between 36", 48" and 60" and 36" duplex scanners for high volume production of double sided scans.

For more information, visit www.imageaccess.de or www.imageaccess.us

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Questions? Contact us.
Debra Ingendoh
Tel. +49 202 270 5851
Send request to Debra Ingendoh
Image Access GmbH
Hatzfelder Str. 161-163
42281 Wuppertal
Tel. +49 202 270 580
Image Access LP
2511 Technology Drive, Suite 109
Elgin, IL 60124, USA
Tel.: 224-293-2585
Sales: 727-612-0809